Industries We Serve / Public Sector

Medversant Medicaid Enrollment
Screening Solution

The only thing immune to new legislation is first-rate data.

Selected as a partner by state and local governments, Medversant manages provider enrollment screening and more through our patented technology solutions and unique services model. We know how to support government initiatives and we are the only provider data management organization experienced in national and statewide implementations.

Provider Data Management

  • Fully customized for federal/ACA regulations at 42 CFR 455.410 and 42 CFR 455.450 to screen participating providers
  • Built-in rules to manage screening measures according to the provider’s categorical risk level of “limited,” “moderate,” or “high”
  • Pre-built scheduling feature to handle revalidation of enrollment according to the federal regulation 42 CFR 455.414
  • Normalizes data by repairing inconsistencies, filling missing data elements, and removing duplicates
  • Screens each provider against multiple federal and state databases
  • Seamlessly enrolls the provider into the state Medicaid program
  • Easy to implement the categorization of providers (Pay-to, Rendering, ORPs, Owners and Facilities)
  • AutoVerifi™ (U.S. Patent 7529682), a unique cost effective verification solution suitable to address the expanding verification needs
  • Site inspection capabilities in all 50 states

pharmacist credentialing services

Case Study:

A Medicaid fiscal intermediary for 6 states needed reliable verification technology and services to comply with ACA Medicaid provider enrollment regulations.

The Result:
Medversant, utilizing its patented AutoVerifi™ technology, created a unique verification solution specific to the ACA Medicaid Guidelines. Medversant's solution successfully performs verification of more than 100 data sources in real time and integrates results into the Unisys platform. Medversant can help you meet specific government requirements with superior provider data quality.

Get started. Schedule a demo.

Submit the form below or call us at 213.433.3377